Association of German Pfandbrief Banks
The Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken e.V., vdp) comprises more than 40 member banks. Pfandbrief Banks are credit institutions holding a special license to issue Pfandbriefe. The Association’s members come from all German banking groups and number among the most important providers of capital for residential and commercial properties as well as for the public sector and its institutions, ship and aircraft finance.
On behalf of its member institutions the vdp performs its duties at all political levels and vis-à-vis all executive bodies on both, the national and the international stage including the European Union.
Beyond its 250ieth year, the Pfandbrief – Pfandbrief Banks’ traditional funding instrument – continues to be the benchmark in the global covered bond market. Totalling some 400 billion EUR in volume outstanding it ranks among its largest segments.
Georgenstr. 21Berlin