Federico Pezzolato
Federico Pezzolato, executive director and global sustainable finance manager, leads ISS-Corporate’s global sales of second party opinions services, focusing primarily on companies in EMEA. Federico has over 19 years’ experience in the sustainability and responsible finance fields and previously served with Vigeo Eiris as sustainability bond manager for southern and eastern Europe and emerging markets. As part of his role, Federico provides guidance to global organizations, helping them understand their sustainability commitments and successfully enter the green and social bond market. Additionally, Federico actively engages with clients from diverse sectors such as banking, private equity, utilities, food, automotive, telecommunications, and sub sovereign entities, ensuring their needs are met and their goals are achieved. Federico intervenes regularly as a panellist in sector events and has served as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) lecturer at several institutions, including Catholic University in Milan and Université Paris Nanterre. He holds an MA in CSR from the University of Bologna and a M.A. in international relations from the University of Milan.
12-Sep-2024STREAM IIWorkshop C: European green bonds standard (EuGB) applicability for covered bonds